Threads on Treads Capital Campaign


Our local service providers are welcome to request items needed “in a PINCH” when clients cannot otherwise visit themselves.

Providing Immediate Need Clothing Help

Going a step beyond simply referring a client for services our PINCH program gets the items needed to providers “in a PINCH” without requiring the client to access services themselves.

We welcome our helping professionals to request the items that are needed by completing our online form.  Volunteers will then pack up “in a PINCH” and your order will be ready in no time.

This program is intended to meet the needs of clients who are in crisis, without transportation, or otherwise unable to access services themselves.  Providers can pick up under their own agency name and information; we do not require specific identifying client information for our PINCH program.

Providers, if you have more than three PINCH orders at a time please consider coming in to select items for your clients directly.  Volunteers and staff generally take 30-40 min per order to pack.

Available Items

Clothing, shoes, hygiene goods, sheets, towels, blankets, Back to Work items, backpacks, school supplies (seasonally).

PINCH Request Form